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Learning languages at ISK – professionally, effectively, flexibly and successfully. ISK Training GmbH has been a competent partner for German and other languages in the region of Hannover. Individual or group lessons, workshops or presentation training, online or on-site – you can choose between in-house training courses and open seminars. The lessons can take place at your home, your company or at the ISK. You can book fixed course appointments with us or arrange for the lessons flexibly with your trainer.

Lessons in any language at any time! Whether German, Spanish, Russian, Arabic or any other foreign language – you tell us what your goals are and we will tell you how to get there. A diagnosis of learning needs, advising on group size, the number of hours and learning contents – we develop modern training concepts to guarantee your success.

Business English for your employees, a working knowledge of Chinese for business talks or intercultural competence to ensure you display confidence when working abroad – after analysing your needs as our private or business customer, we put together an individual training program for any language you need to learn.

We have designed a special German programme for employees, students and graduatestudents who would like to improve their German language skills while working, training or studying. We offer you German courses on four levels with flexible learning concepts, small learning groups and individual support in the evening or during the weekends.

Write us an e-mail or give us a call – we advise you competently and individually.